Recover, Reshape & Reinvent your Health after Birth

Recovering After Birth with Essential Oils Whether you are a new mom and have just giving birth to your first baby, or you are celebrating the birth of your second, third or 15th, one thing that is always on the recently post-delivery moms mind (beside that whole “caring for another human being thing”) is how…

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Steam Or Dance Your Period Away!

Menstrual cramps are probably the number one reason why many women hate their periods.  Menstrual cramps are caused by the contractions of the uterus as it breaks down the uterine lining and expels the menstrual blood through the cervix. Also, many hormonal changes affect the position, height and texture of your cervix, sometimes causing extreme sensitivity in the inside…

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Turn These 3 Household Items into a Pregnancy Test

With the price of home pregnancy tests running at about $20 a pop, planning your baby can end up costing a pretty penny. Well, we love a DIY challenge, so the bebo mia girls started researching other options… heck, women had to figure out if they were pregnant before the days of digital home testing,…

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Is Pineapple Safe During Pregnancy?

'is pineapple safe during pregnancy

Pineapple is one of those words (or fruits) that makes a pregnant woman’s ears perk up. There are so many conflicting opinions that even a quick ‘is pineapple safe during pregnancy’ search on Dr. Google doesn’t quite help.  Let’s try to answer this question today! Is pineapple safe in pregnancy? Yup…mostly! So why do people worry pineapple is unsafe?…

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Aromatherapy for labour : Taking the Blahs Out!

Image Courtesy of: Whether you have chosen to have a home birth or give birth in a hospital, whether you are going for a natural birth without intervention or can’t wait to get that epidural, whether this is your first time to the rodeo or you have season passes to the birth center…essential oils and aromatherapy for labour can…

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Free Birth Plan Worksheet: A Roadmap to a Positive Labor

Download your free birth plan worksheet & checklist here! Very recently we did a photo shoot and it just so happened our hairdresser was pregnant (our favourite kind of person!). She ended up asking us all sorts of questions and we asked her if she had a birth plan. She responded with “My what? I don’t…

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Stroller Fitness Essentials: Mom’s Guide to Active Livin

Have you ever been that mom standing in the grocery aisle or bank line and you hear a frustrated grunt coming from inside the stroller. As mothers we need to read this cue as KEEP STROLLING MAMA! So, I ask all of you mommies out there how fit are your strollers? Does it only see…

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Easy Meals for Busy Moms: A Guide to Quick and Healthy Cooking

Hey busy moms, ever feel like cooking is just one more thing to stress about? Well, stress no more! We’ve got ‘Easy Meals for Busy Moms: A Guide to Quick and Healthy Cooking.’ It’s all about making tasty meals without the fuss. Say goodbye to mealtime stress and hello to simple, delicious recipes that fit…

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Tips for Battling Cold and Flu during Pregnancy

When a woman becomes pregnant, her immune system takes a nosedive. The woman’s body does this to prevent the baby from being rejected as the body sees it as a “foreign object.” The best tip for battling the common cold or flu virus during pregnancy is to avoid people who have a cold or the…

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Week 31 – Update, Time and Lists

Week 31: I’ll start this week with an update from my last appointment like I said I would. I saw my secondary midwife, who is equally as wonderful as my primary, and we broached the due date subject right off the bat. She said that they have chatted about what they think makes the most…

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Week 29 Feeling Fine!

This post is supposed to be a short update about how my midwife appointment was last week, BUT…I didn’t go! I was at a birth instead which was exciting for a few reasons: 1. Births are always exciting! 2. The couple was amazing (as are all of my clients ;))! 3. It was my last…

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Birth Story: I am having a doula

I started my third trimester this week and I’m in a bit of denial. ‘October’ still sounds so far away, but the reality is that this baby could come in September, and it’s already the middle of July! I have said this a few times this week: if someone were to tell me it was…

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Does your baby bump, have a bump?

Recently, Baby & Me Fitness owner and fabulous bootcamp bellies instructor, Heather, wrote a blog about her growing baby bump…..and that bumps, bump! This bump is caused by diastasis recti, which is the separation of the abdominal muscles at the body’s midline, often around the belly button or higher. This separation can create a bulge or doming…

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Breastfeeding your toddler will lead to psychological problems

Don’t worry, that wasn’t a quote from Psychology Today or any other childhood study, it was just my dad. Being a mum is one rollercoaster of a ride…… I used to love rollercoasters…now I get anxious and want to throw up at the first sign of an uphill climb! I can wholeheartedly admit that having…

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Pregnancy at 23 Weeks: Challenges and Cravings

My Pregnancy Journey at 23 Weeks Now, I’m not normally one to complain; I remember my my mom was with me at one of my postnatal midwife appointments after Caimen was born and asked if I had any more complaints to tell my midwife and before I could say no, my midwife said “Heather never…

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