Recovering After Birth with Essential Oils
Whether you are a new mom and have just giving birth to your first baby, or you are celebrating the birth of your second, third or 15th, one thing that is always on the recently post-delivery moms mind (beside that whole “caring for another human being thing”) is how to get healthy and begin recovering after birth.
Preparing to have “the Sex”
Sometimes this is just as simple as feeling like you aren’t going to pee yourself every time you sneeze, or feeling like you might EVER consider having “the sex” again. Sometimes it’s about figuring out a nutritious diet to boost your energy or support breastfeeding. Sometimes it’s about getting back in shape. Sometimes it’s about wading through the baby blues [this is not the same as post-partum depression, which should be treated by a medical professional, always]. Whatever your goals are, here are some ways to help you to reach them and reinvent yourself as a new mom.
Let’s talk nutrition
First things first, nutrition is the foundation to health. A nutritious diet is important for everyone, but especially for new moms. It is very important to make sure you are replenishing your body with foods that are high in iron, folic acid, calcium and omega-3’s. These will not only help you to quickly recover your energy and general health after birth, but if you are breastfeeding, they will help baby too! Moms who are breastfeeding should and will eat more calories per day (and if you are anything like me, you might as well build a 24 hour buffet in your kitchen)! Fennel essential oil is a wonderful support to breastfeeding moms and can help increase milk supply! A healthy and balanced diet will not only provide you with the nutritional support you need to feel better, but it will also help your body to recover and reshape. Some essential oils that help to support a healthy metabolism and nutritional absorption after having a baby are cinnamon, grapefruit, lemon, and ginger. Frankincense and Grapefruit can be used to firm skin and fade stretchmarks. The best part is, these oils are all safe to use while breastfeeding too!
Let’s talk exercise
Exercise and movement is another way to help your body recover from birth, and while you might be giving me major side-eye right now, I urge you to move. Don’t do more than you feel safe or able to do, but try to create a mindset of movement, doing even little tasks every day. Not only will this help you to gain back some energy, but it will also help your wounds to heal faster. For me, one of the hardest things to do after birth was to will myself to move. I had a very large tear and it was torture down below. I felt like I did the splits on a crate of dynamite (Gilmore Girls reference anyone?) Essential oils are amazing for healing post-partum perineal tearing and stitches and they saved my sanity. You can combine 4 drops of lavender and 4 drops of melaleuca with a bottle of witch hazel to create a healing solution which can be used in a peri bottle, or can be added to pads along with some aloe gel and frozen (by the way…if you’ve never been to Heaven…these pads are about as close as you can get). Frankincense and Helichrysum are also wonderful healing oils and have been referred to as “liquid Stitches”, and for good reason!
Let’s talk emotional balance – And this one is the hardest one
The third component of getting yourself put back together after birth is a BIG one but it is nearly universally the hardest to achieve, and that is rest and emotional balance. In holistic health, the focus is on the whole person and without mental health, you cannot possibly hope for complete physical health. I will not be telling you to “sleep when the baby sleeps” because I would then have to smack myself. Despite this being one of the most popular a statements to casually toss at a new mom, it is also one of the most annoying and infuriating. It IS important, though, to rest whenever you can, and though it might seem difficult to do, getting yourself to a point where you can get quality sleep in a very short amount of time is crucial to survival. The Serenity Calming Blend as well as lavender are both super for this, and when applied to the feet or diffused, can help you to fall asleep faster and achieve a more restful sleep by relaxing your body and calming your senses.
Recovering from birth can also be an emotional rollercoaster, filled with many ups and downs. While the birth of your child is a joy filled occasion and you look down at this child with awe and wonder and love you couldn’t have possibly imagined, it is also very common for moms to feel detached, emotionally raw, frustrated and even sad and anxious.
These feelings are often intensified greatly if the birth did not go as you had hoped, or if your baby if struggling with reflux, colic or some other issue, which often causes severe lack of sleep and crying that seems to last forever and ever and ever…and ever. In these instances, essential oils can provide emotional support that will help you to harness your Zen, or at the very least, a shred of your sanity. Frankincense, Melissa, Citrus Bliss Joyful Blend, Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Peace Reassuring Blend, and Balance Grounding Blend will all provide you with a sense of emotional stability, help to lift depression and your mood in general, give you peace of mind and ease tension and anxiety.
By balancing good nutrition with a mindset of movement, rest (even if it is elusive) and emotional wellness, and supporting your efforts with Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils, you will be on your way to a new and exciting year with your new and exciting little one, as your renewed and excited self!
*Essential oils, while natural, should also be used with care and as directed. If you want more information about how to use the oils mentioned in this article, please see my bio below. Breastfeeding moms should always seek the advice of an expert before using essential oils, because some oils are not safe for use while breastfeeding. Be Safe and Be Healthy: Mind, Body and Spirit!
Ginger Nicole Baker is an essential oils expert and wellness advocate and is the founder and CEO of Essential Owl Holistics which you can find on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. She has a deep passion for helping others to embrace and practice proactive, natural and holistic care for themselves and their families, especially during pregnancy, birth and beyond. She and her husband Adam are the proud parents of their 1 year old daughter, Raienn, who has been her bright shining beam of inspiration. Learn more here! For a private consult, or to schedule a class, webinar or training, Message her here!

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