MSP Fall 2017 Scholarship Winner: Tarina Jackson

For the Fall 2017 Maternal Support Practitioner Program at bebo mia inc we had a record number of scholarship applications submitted! Choosing our winners was incredibly difficult and in the end, we ended up selecting 6 winners. Two of the scholarships were sponsored by amazing female-owned businesses, Hip Mommies & SleepBelt. The other four were…

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Scholarship Winner: Hayden Connects Her Faith to doula work


Here at bebo mia inc. we have had a whirlwind Spring 2017. We had our largest MSP Class EVER, we launched another amazing course with our awesome friend & colleague, Olivia Scobie, the Diverse Families Certification and we are excitedly preparing for the arrival of Natasha’s second baby and collectively our third #bebobaby. We have…

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