Here at bebo mia inc. we have had a whirlwind Spring 2017. We had our largest MSP Class EVER, we launched another amazing course with our awesome friend & colleague, Olivia Scobie, the Diverse Families Certification and we are excitedly preparing for the arrival of Natasha’s second baby and collectively our third #bebobaby. We have already opened up the early bird registration for MSP Fall 2017 and soon we’ll be accepting scholarship applications! So, with that in mind, let’s meet some of our Scholarship Winners from the Spring 2017 Class, shall we?!
My name is Hayden, I am 23, a Medical Assistant at a small paediatric office and I am a momma to a Border Collie pup named, Rue.
My story begins in the womb. I am a firm believer in Jesus, His love, and His great mercies. My mother was young, broken, and believed in the lie that she was not worthy, so she lived a lifestyle that reflected just that. She was not in a place to have a baby, and if it was her choice, she did not want to have one of her own at that time in her life. During this season, she was actively involved in the party scene that consisted of drugs and alcohol. Throughout this time in her life she had suspected that she was pregnant, but every test she took came out negative. If it were to be positive, my mother would have chosen abortion at that time. She continued to take tests, all of which confirmed that she was not pregnant. So, in result, she continued to use. It was not until she was too far along to have an abortion that she discovered that was indeed four months pregnant with a baby girl.
My mother left that doctor’s appointment changed, and spent a significant amount of time praying that she would give birth to a healthy and very happy baby that looked just like her.
On January 9th, 23 years ago, I was born, full term, happy, healthy and I looked just like her. Many lives were changed during this season. Healing, redemption, and hope was restored as God’s grace was poured out upon my family.
My heart longs to serve and show an extra amount of love towards women who have believed similar lies that my mother once did.
And even more, I hold a deep desire and passion in my heart to show love and grace to those who believe they don’t have any other options… or that they are not strong enough to mother a child. I want to be apart of the hard seasons, and bring love and light into those moments. It might be partnering with a young mom who has no one else to go through this journey with, or partnering along side a woman who has decided life, but is unable to give the child the life that it deserves. It is not about me one bit. It’s about the momma and her very sweet and precious baby that is brought into this world.
I have been blessed to travel overseas on medical missions over these last few years. With that, I have seen both beautiful and hard things. I went to Nicaragua in 2012 and met with a woman who was 8 months along, and had been told that her baby was no longer alive. We cried and prayed together during this hard season. It was raw, and real. Nothing I have never experienced before. While we cried and prayed, we felt the baby kick. The tears of mourning turned into gladness. We rejoiced and that is when I knew that I was called to something much bigger than myself.
I wanted this scholarship because being present to support one of life’s greatest miracles is where I desire to be. Recently, I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and was told that it will be very unlikely or extremely difficult to have babies of my own. Though I might not have the opportunity to have children of my own, I want nothing more than to welcome sweet babies made with beauty and wonder into this world. I am so very blessed to have been extended an offer such as this.
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