A bebo mia Hypnobirthing client and member of my favourite class, Prenatal Aquafit, had this to say about her self-discovery in the natural birth of her daughter!
“So many people (both men and women) were telling me that I wouldn’t do a natural drug-free birth and that I would be screaming for the epidural. I blocked each and every one of them out mentally and followed my birthing path. It definitely wasn’t easy and I had an active labour for 5 hours. At one point, my midwife told me that I should consider pain medication and I refused profusely. As soon as I got into the jacuzzi and remembered my Hypnobirthing cues, it was smooth sailing. I even fell asleep in the tub through some really intense contractions. I strongly believe that no one knows your body like you do and that our willpower is a great source that we need to tap into. More women need to feel empowered and supported with their choices.”
– Dorit
Dorit wasn’t always so confident about her birth. She asked just as many questions as the next pregnant woman. But now, I didn’t even have to hear her voice to recognize the change in her since this birth. Her words are full of confidence and pride, proving that she listened to herself and found her inner strength.
That is what birth is all about. It’s about learning what YOU are capable of. It’s about learning to making decisions that are right for YOU, no matter what anyone else says. It’s about learning that YOU have all the power and knowledge you need to take on your new role as parent. That’s how a mama bear is born, deep in the trenches of birth where you must listen to yourself and believe in yourself to get out.
After reading these words, I know without a doubt that Dorit will continue to tap into that great source of power she found in her birth. That she will take this power into her role as parent and be the best mama bear she can be. Congrats Dorit, you did it!

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