Transform playtime into power hour with our Playground Workout – your secret to a fit and fabulous mom life.
To the apple of your eye, the playground is an oasis of fun and activity! Why not for us? Have we outgrown this wonder with our sophistication? I think not! Our little ones might be onto something here. Playgrounds and parks have everything we need to shed those baby pounds; fresh air, free equipment and the FUN factor!
All we need to do is pimp it out it in a way to optimize its fitness potential. So the next time you are out with your little one, dress up your playground fitness style and get moving. Everything from the swings to the benches can be our key to fitness freedom and achievement. The great news is that as moms we always have a playground date or two each week, making our fitness habit consistent, simple and accessible. Next time you are at the playground, try this great park & play circuit that is as easy as 1, 2, 3 (literally 3 circuits) that will assist any new mommy in transforming their post-baby body. The upside of this 20-30 minute workout? It is an easy, effective, fun-filled escape from the everyday fitness regime.
Playground workout:
Pick 3 circuits to work with. Do each routine 2-3x/week)
Warm-up 5 minutes
Walk, slowly increasing to power walk around parameter of the playground. Press arms up to the sky, extend to the sides to make circles, and ‘air pushup’ motions as you warm up.
Sample Circuits:
Circuit 1
2 minutes bench step ups
20 reps swing lunges
30 sec bench plank
Rest 1-1.5 minutes between circuits
Circuit 2
2 minutes jumping jacks (for low impact, tap each foot side to side)
30 seconds monkey bar wide grip pull-ups (or maybe just one)
12 reps bench pushups
Rest 1-1.5 minutes between circuits
Circuit 3
2 minutes hill jog/sprints/power walk (no hills: 2 minute bench or ground mountain climbers)
20 reps bench triceps dips
20 reps V-sits
Rest 1-1.5 minutes between circuits

Circuit 4
2 minute slide jump overs (advanced) squat hops (intermediate) or standing squats (beginner)
30 sec bench mountain climbers
20 reps bench leg lifts (knee bent or extended)
Rest 1-1.5 minutes between circuits
Slow jog to walk/or just walk around park (5 mins) followed by full-body stretching (5 mins). This express, bootcamp style workout is completely adaptable to the type of fitness mommy you are: workout out alone, with the tot (perfect to use with stroller) or exercising with the older kid at the park.
Just remember, to get fit and have fun is as easy as running around your neighbourhood playground. You’re there anyway!

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