At this point, I would consider myself a baby carrying connoisseur. I was am just like any new mother whose nesting urges caused them to go a little overboard before their baby’s birth. Like many other soon to be mama’s, my big ticket item was a stroller. Not just any stroller, but THE stroller.
I can now tell you that at 18 months old, my daughter has been in that stroller a total of 5 times. I hate it, she hates it. I live in the city, where dragging that huge #$% thing around fills me with anxiety. Navigating the small corridors of any mall or lugging it up the steps of the TTC was just not an option for me. I know that at the time I write this blog, there is a huge TTC vs Strollers debate. Let me be clear, I believe in EQUAL rights for ALL tax paying city dwellers, including moms with strollers. It just wasn’t for me.
What did I do instead? I carried her. I started with a ring sling, moved up to a wrap and currently cart her around in a carrier. Up until last week, I was SURE my baby carrying career was coming to a close. My back was aching, my daughter’s legs were dangling, and we were just not enjoying it anymore. But then I received my latest Chimparoo shipment, complete with their newest Baby/Toddler Carrier, THE TREK.
Admittedly, bebo mia has always loved the Chimparoo wraps. In fact, we love them so much that we became distributors. However, I was concerned when they came out with this new carrier. What if I didn’t like it? Would that change the way I feel about the company? Would I still be able to endorse them?
Then I tried it on and it was L.O.V.E.
Here is why:

While my Ergo has a cover for sleeping babies, this one has 2 – one for front carry, and a longer one for a back carry.

Little details make all the difference! If you can see in this picture, there is a band that holds the long straps in place so they are not hanging down. There is also a foot stirrup so toddlers can rest their legs but remain in a “M” style seated position (best for their hips)

It is really easy to tighten the shoulder straps because you can pull from both directions to create a quick ‘tug’ like motion.

My favourite feature: extra wide seat. BOTH my Ergo and Beco left my toddler’s legs hanging mid-thigh. I could tell she was getting uncomfortable. With the Trek the fabric goes all the way to her knees and she is much more comfortable.
I am so happy elated with this product so far, and so is my daughter. Even if you have a newborn or are expecting a newborn, this product is perfect. Had I known I would be carrying her well into toddlerhood, I would have invested in this carrier to avoid multiple purchases. The Beco and the Ergo (which I also loved) just didn’t quite cut it once she passed 20 pounds.
Blog post by Natasha Marchand, bebo mia inc. Co-founder.
For more information on the Chimparoo Slings or Carriers contact [email protected]

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I deeply enjoyed this post! I can tell you really care about what you are writing about, which is a rare thing these days. I see a lot of authors just putting up quick junk, which is unfortunate. Thank you for bringing this information out, it’s much appreciated!