My thoughts on Honey Boo Boo…
Firstly, I am one of the few who are confident enough to admit to watching TLC’s Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and secondly, I think that they are a really wonderful and loving family! At first glance, the producers do a good job highlighting the socalled redneck, ‘lowclass’ life of the rural Georgian ShannonThompson family, but after you agree to disagree on pedigree, one has to acknowledge that the parents are really handson, caring, and everpresent in their granddaughter and daughters lives.
Most impressively, the Mama, June, has put all monies earned by TLC (approx $15,000$50,000/episode) into a trust fund for each daughter for when they turn 21. In the meantime, with the exception of the purchase of a 2005 Expedition, not a dime is seen or touched. They continue to live off their regular income from (step)father, SugarBear’s, contracting job, bingo winnings, and child maintenance cheques from the biological fathers of 3 of the girls. Their $80/week food budget for a family of 7 is impressive. Yes, it means a lot of couponcutting and pasta, but they eat all their meals together.
The family supports one another in their hobbies and activities, they do outdoor excursions together weekly, and give back to their community with charity events. Yes, they eat roadkill and flatulate anytime, anywhere, but the love in their home is obvious and big!
Check this for more information.
Written by Bianca Sprague, bebo mia inc. CEO and co-founder.

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