Want to know more about infant sleep


Your knowledge around infant sleep is average, and given the amount of misinformation around infant sleep out there, this is wonderful! Is infant sleep a topic that you wish you had mow information on? Learning about biological infant sleep we can help to change the landscape of mental health for the next generation!

The Science of Infant Sleep: Everything You Need to Know

and use that knowledge professionally?

Parents rely heavily on the professionals in their lives to give them information about their baby, especially about sleep. However, many professionals do not feel confident in the topic. This is where we come in.

We have put together a Infant + Family Sleep Professional Training that is designed to help you provide evidence based information that takes into account the biological and developmental needs of infants and families. Families are looking for alternatives to sleep training, and this course will teach you all about them!

Our Infant + Family Sleep Professional Training is here to offer the first of its kind, evidence-based, science-informed infant sleep curriculum developed and facilitated by neuroscientist, Greer Kirshenbaum PhD, who specializes in brain health, emotional health and mental health.

Want to learn more about

Infant + Family Sleep Professional Training?



Have any questions? Need any help?! We'd love to know so we can make sure we get that need met for you. Email us at [email protected] and we'd be super thrilled to hear from you and will get back to you right away.


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