Fertility Specialist Certification – Why I Signed Up


Bebo Mia Fertility Specialist Certification Fertility Doula

Why MSP grad and owner of Clarity Maternal is enrolled for our next class:

Secondary infertility. Those used to be two words that I had never heard of and didn’t understand. I had friends who were trying for a sibling for their child but were unsuccessful over and over again. I couldn’t fully understand why. They’d had a baby already, so what was the problem?


It wasn’t until I joined them in my own journey with secondary infertility that I finally understood the struggle. I discovered that 1 in 6 Canadian couples struggle with infertility (1 in 8 in the United States). I finally understood how heartbreaking, agonizing, and lonely it is. Individuals and couples experiencing infertility and loss need support, guidance, encouragement and, most importantly, understanding. I wanted to do something to help. Once I started researching the role of a doula, I felt a strong push to head down this new career path – one that actually made a difference in people’s lives. That’s when I came across bebo mia

Since enrolling and graduating from the Fall 2017 Maternal Support Practitioner program, I eat, sleep, and breathe all things fertility. So, you can imagine my complete and utter excitement when those amazing #bebobabes announced their Fertility Specialist Certification (the first of its kind!) set to launch June 19, 2018! For me, it was a no-brainer, I signed up as soon as I could. And after perusing through the topics that are going to be covered, I got even more excited!

Here are the 3 reasons why I signed up for Bebo Mia’s new Fertility Specialist Certification:


1. With all of my training, I was excited at the opportunity to learn more about one focus topic. Ever the perfectionist, I wanted to be the best so I could provide the best care possible. I felt like I wasn’t reaching who I needed to. I wanted to start a fertility support group in my community because there isn’t one currently established, and especially because the need is so great. I wanted to offer classes to help educate those just starting out, or those lost in the hurt and confusion of it all. But I didn’t know how to do that. I didn’t know where to start and, quite frankly, I began to lose motivation… until now!

2. The certification will be covering things like how to facilitate a support group in your community; proper etiquette and language to use when speaking with individuals and couples experiencing infertility; exploration of the body’s physiological and psychological response to the stress of infertility; the latest reproductive technologies currently available, and SO much more!

3. On top of all that, they are including a mind and movement course to help fertility practitioners ease their clients’ stress levels and bring peace to their busy minds and bodies. And for those certified to teach yoga, the course offers a fertility yoga certification! The best part is that this course isn’t just for fertility doulas. It’s for yoga teachers, therapists, coaches and counsellors, nutritionists, naturopaths, and any other practitioner who is looking to provide more thorough support to those trying to conceive.


I know that by taking this specialization, I will help bring a sense of real support to my community and beyond. And to me, there’s nothing better than giving quality education and support to those who truly need it. Not only will it provide me with the tools I need to help my clients, it will help me in my own journey as well. I can’t wait to start next week, and can’t wait to launch my career down the path it’s destined to be on. You’ll be hearing more from me soon as I start making waves in the infertility community, all thanks to the amazing team at bebo mia!

Until next time,


Bebo Mia Fertility Doula Certification Kristine Wisniewski

Kristine is a bebo mia inc. trained Maternal Support Practitioner servicing Simcoe County and parts of York Region in Ontario, Canada. Her business Clarity Maternal Support focuses on fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum support. Her goal is to be consistently present and hold space for clients in the darkest of times, and support them as they work to find their light again.




Your future is created by what you do today — that's why we created a completely FREE mindset mini-course to help doulas and birth workers find bliss in their business!


  1. Claire on June 14, 2018 at 9:37 pm

    This. This will have such an impact on many! I love the enthusiasm and tenacity you have and am certain your increase of knowledge paired with your natural ability to comfort others will have such an impact in our community

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