For the Spring 2018 Doula Scholarship submissions for the Maternal Support Practitioner Program at bebo mia inc we had some amazing applicants and are thrilled to present our winners’ submissions. With the help of some incredible sponsors like Olivia Scobie & Candice Tizzard of Stages Doula, we were able to offer 6 Scholarships to the very first round of our extended version of the combined fertility, birth and postpartum doula training.
We are so honoured and excited that we were able to provide our Spring 2018 doula scholarships to incredibly strong, motivated, kind and passionate women from all over the world who would otherwise not be able to afford a doula training program. When a scholarship recipient is chosen they must submit a blog entry introducing themselves and their “why”.
We are pleased to introduce you to the Winner of the Stages Doula and Birth Photography’s Bad Ass Scholarship for Spring 2018 MSP Program, Lyndsey D’Errico …
I have given birth 4 times, in two different countries and they were all very, very different to each other.
At the end of 2015, with 3 children in tow, we moved our little family to Orlando, Florida and were delighted the following year when we saw a fourth positive pregnancy test. We had always wanted 4 children. Frustratingly though, I began to itch and I was diagnosed with Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP). I experienced ICP with my 3rd pregnancy as well, with a subsequent placental abruption.
This time, we opted for a planned c-section because we didn’t want to risk another placental abruption after induction. We were scheduled for 37 weeks. On the night before I turned 36 weeks, I experienced another abruption except this time I was at home. We didn’t get to the hospital in time for our sweet boy and we were subjected to the words no parent ever wants to hear, “There’s no heartbeat”. I was very sick so they needed to get him out fast. Gabriel was born so very silently and we got to spend a few days with him before we said our final goodbye this side of Heaven.
Heavy right? It was. But Gabriel’s birth, birthed something in me that had always been hiding there somewhere. I have always been fascinated with the process of human life and particularly those 9 months in the womb.
In the months following our loss, I realized that I was going to have to start thinking about going back to work. It wasn’t what I expected. I was expecting to be caring for another baby for a few years. One afternoon, while I was avoiding housework, I happened upon a bebo mia post. I clicked and clicked and clicked some more until I found the Maternal Support Practitioner Course. Without any thought, I wanted to do it. It was just not in our budget for now. We still have hospital debts from losing Gabriel. But I said to myself, “One day.”
A few weeks went by and I saw a post about the doula training scholarships. A little tingle appeared in my gut… you know the one… the one that says, “I’m going to ask everyone if I should do it but I think I’m going to even if they say no.” Well they didn’t say no, far from it, so I decided to push the door, not expecting for one minute it would open.
I was tuned in to the live feed when they made the announcement- I swear I stopped breathing for a second when Bianca & Alana, of bebo mia inc., announced my name.
I am so passionate about birth work. I want to support families who need someone to calm their fears. Families who need someone to show them all of their options. Families who need a voice to advocate for them when things aren’t going to plan; especially in high risk pregnancies. Families who need someone to be a source of peace and encouragement. Families who are so tired from sleepless nights or nursing issues.
And of course families who need someone to cry with them if the worst should happen, whilst supporting them through the process of loss…. For them, I know this feeling all too well. I wish I didn’t know but I want to use my experience to help ease their pain.
I am so incredibly grateful for this opportunity. I also want to send a huge thank you to Candice at Stages Doula and Photography for making this possible by sponsoring it. When I read her vision for providing services to families who are experiencing loss, my heart literally leapt! It’s exactly what I want to do.
Our mission is to connect women* to their intrinsic value & power. One of the ways we aim to do this is by offering the most comprehensive combined fertility, birth & postpartum doula training! Our team of instructors are diverse, interesting, committed to social justice & super funny.
Collectively we are committed to changing the landscape of birth experiences across the globe.
Thinking about registering for class this September? Our EARLY BIRD rate is on now!
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