Tijuana Ray – Fall 2020 Black Moms Connection Award Winner

My name is Tijuana Ray, I am originally from Augusta, Georgia. Augusta is known for its big golf tournament held every year known as the Masters but to me, it’s just home.  I am the oldest of my two sisters.  I have four children, two sons, and two daughters. My sons are 22 and 26…

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Karima Pettigrew Fall 2020 Queers for Queer Care Award Winner

  About me! My name is Karima Pettigrew. I’m a 32-year-old fraternal twin from Newark, Delaware. I love to sing and play guitar, as well as spending most of my spare time writing books. I was raised by a deaf single parent and I’m fluent in ASL. I identify as a black lesbian cis-gendered woman.…

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Maternal Mental Health Doula Jasmine Young: Fall 2018 MSP Scholarship Winner

Olivia Scobie Doula Scholarship

For the Fall 2018 Doula  Maternal Support Practitioner Program Scholarship at bebo mia inc we had some amazing applicants and are thrilled to present our winners’ submissions. With the help of some incredible sponsors like Olivia Scobie & community partners we were able to offer 7 Scholarships to our combined fertility, birth and postpartum doula training. In…

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Scholarship Winner: 5 ways Debra Guenther will advocate as a doula.

For the Fall 2017 Maternal Support Practitioner Program at bebo mia inc we had a record number of scholarship applications submitted! Choosing our winners was incredibly difficult and in the end, we ended up selecting 6 winners. Two of the scholarships were sponsored by amazing female-owned businesses, Hip Mommies & SleepBelt. The other four were…

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This One Thing Is Stopping You from Your Successful Doula Business.

One Thing Is Stopping You from Your Successful Doula Business. Being a Doula Being a doula is an incredible job. We get invited into some of the most intimate and vulnerable moments of people’s lives. But actually being a doula itself requires an immense amount of vulnerability, and being vulnerable can feel terrifying. Not only…

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The doula business struggles (there is a happy ending)

  Doula business struggles may encounter: My launch into the doula business world was less than stellar, I have to admit. It was clumsy, riddled with mistakes, and lonely. Why? I’ve got two reasons: Lack of training Lack of support And I minored in business, I could only imagine how other doulas felt! Don’t worry though,…

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