We appreciate that when most of our clients get the 2 pink lines on the pregnancy test and immediately: a. move, or; b. renovate. Thus, their physical environment gets tossed into chaos and upheaval. This can make even the calmest person go a little crazy – not to mention that we do have some pregnancy hormones at play here. It is important that you can keep your cool with a lot going on around you (because wherever you are birthing, there will potentially be a lot going on!) So, while you are dealing with dust, boxes, movers, realtors and/or contractors, we want to help you stay cool, calm and collected to keep those stress hormones down for you and your baby’s sake!
bebo mia recommends HypnoBirthing®, a birth education program that teaches you to replace fear and tension with confidence and relaxation. The skills learned in this 5 week class are amazing when applied to your labour and delivery (whatever birth goals you have.) Hypnobirthing is the gift that keeps on giving! The relaxation and calming tips and tricks learned from your Hypnobirthing Practitioner can also be applied during the regular stresses of being a new parent and the ins and outs of life. Search our directory for a practitioner in your area!
Happy Birthing!
Photography by Krista Fox and Melanie Galbrand-Chen at Verve Photo Co.
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