Honouring the Journey
We are over the moon excited to announce that Candice Tizzard of Stages Doula and Photography is a scholarship sponsor for our Spring 2018 Doula Training session. Why are we so excited? Because Candice was one of our first partial scholarship winners and now she is ready to give back!
Candice is currently the owner of a thriving doula and photography business and although she makes success look easy, the road there wasn’t an easy one. She knows exactly what it feels like to know you are destined for great things and to also be stuck without the resources to achieve them. She knows what it’s like to have a mission and to pray for the opportunity to see it come to fruition. And that is why we have named this scholarship: The Stages Doula and Birth Photography’s Bad Ass Scholarship.
This is what she had to say about the early days of her doula journey and her ‘WHY’ for becoming a sponsor:
“You gave me the chance when I was just starting out. I didn’t have the money to start my training and I was facing having to go back to work, then I was awarded the bebo mia scholarship. Look at me now, I am busy and prosperous. I told you I would repay your generosity and now I am repaying it. I would like to sponsor a spot in your training to give another doula/student the chance you gave me!”
We feel it is crucial to support and lift up and cheer for as many people as possible. Over the last year, we have donated over $45,000 in courses and memberships through full and partial scholarships to our programs. We have an amazing sponsorship program that allows generous businesses and practitioners the opportunity to provide a scholarship to a woman* who would greatly benefit from the program and cannot afford it. People like Candice make all this possible just by paying it forward and we are so grateful for her support!
Not only is Candice an incredible doula, she is a birth photographer (she took that beautiful banner image), fluent in ASL, and not done giving back just yet. Wait until you hear about her next mission…
The recipient of this scholarship will be prioritized to people who have an interest in supporting loss, or the birth of a rainbow baby!
Candice Tizzard’s Vision: Supporting Families in Times of Loss
We stand behind the Stages Birth and Photography mission and are waiting for the day we can start sharing her fundraising efforts. If you know of anyone, or if you yourself have experienced loss you know how important her work is.
Also, keep an eye out for Candice in the Spring 2018 doula training program, she will be a special guest speaker preparing new doulas to support the birth of an angel baby.
Want to be a sponsor? Know someone who would like to support a woman* through her certification and career training? Check out our Sponsorship Guide here. Not only do we offer the opportunity to support women* in their education, without which most would not be able to create their birth and parenting businesses, each of those women* go on to support other women* and families in their own communities through their pregnancy, birth and postnatal periods. This initiates (and in many cases, amplifies) the ripple effect of initiatives that value teaching excellence, cultivating community, ongoing mentorship and holistic advocacy.
Candice Tizzard is the mother of 3 beautiful children. Candice has a background in sign language interpretation & behaviour intervention. After having a doula attend the birth of her 3 children, she decided to peruse doula work. Candice has been supporting families for 6 years, she has trained as a doula, infant sleep educator, birth photographer, and breastfeeding. Candice enjoys hiking, reading and general mischief making.
*We use the term ‘woman’ & ‘women’ in our mission and through some of our values work. We define woman/women as women-identified, femme-presenting, two-spirited, genderqueer, trans-inclusive, gender-non-conforming, androgynous, agender, intersex, bigender, gender questioning, gender fluid, butch, non-binary, queer positive or any person that would like to be included in this definition.

Your future is created by what you do today — that's why we created a completely FREE mindset mini-course to help doulas and birth workers find bliss in their business!