
What do you really need for your baby?!
We often joke that all you need for baby is a big bed and a carrier, but realistically, we know that getting ready for baby is exciting, and so is the shopping! That being said, we want you to spend your money wisely and avoid big ticket baby items that take up space but rarely get used.
Newborn essentials
By the time your baby is born, you should have a few essentials like diapers (if you plan to use cloth, like AppleCheeks seen here, you may want to try disposables until the poop turns yellowish and we have some great diaper eez video lessons for you here), some cotton sleepers, a car seat and a place for baby to sleep (if you are co-sleeping please make sure you get the information from Attachment Parenting International to do this safely). Try to resist the urge to run out and by everything on that ‘must have’ list, because you may find you can get by just fine without it (like my wipe warmer and bottle sterilizer that never came out of their boxes).
Breast pump
Many pregnant women ask us what breast pump they should choose, but we truly feel it is best to wait until after the baby is born to make this decision. Breastfeeding and milk supply may come easily for you, in which case a hand pump may be enough to fit your needs. If you are returning to work early or need some extra help with the baby, an electric pump is important (we love Medela).
Transporting a newborn baby
How will you transport your little one? We think a great that fits your urban, suburban, or rural living style is needed (think small if you take public transit a lot). Find one with lots of storage space underneath the seat, a feature often overlooked but SO important.How will you transport your little one? We think a great stroller (like from Ella & Eliot) that fits your urban, suburban, or rural living style is needed (think small if you take public transit a lot). Find one with lots of storage space underneath the seat, a feature often overlooked but SO important.
Baby Carrier
Another must have item is a wrap and/or carrier. Babies want to be held ALL THE TIME when they are little, so these can be a real lifesaver. WE know this can be scary the first few times, so we have a great video here to help you. We recommend Montreal’s Chimparoo (which bebo mia retails), the Canadian brand Helina Baby or the Ergo carrier. However there are lots of different options and you can see all the different kinds (with pros and cons) here.
Diaper Bag
A spacious diaper bag gets your and baby’s things from point A to point B, C, D without leaving anything behind. Don’t be fooled though…you can use ANY bag as a diaper bag! Just throw in this Skip Hop Pronto and voila, your favourite bag is your diaper bag.
bebo mia feels that reading to your baby is crucial! Start to compile a great collection of books. You will need cloth and board books for little ones and wonderful picture books with stories you love to read over and over with your baby and toddler. What are the best toys? Most things lying around your kitchen are what your baby will love for the first year or two, such as bowls, pots & pans, measuring cups and whisks. Throw a towel on the floor of your kitchen, put some water and large spoons in the bowl and let your little one play for hours (well, minutes if you’re lucky).
When you get to the solid-food eating phase, a clip chair (Phil&Teds make a few great options) saves you space and money! They keep your toddler sitting up with you and they can move around to restaurants or to other people’s homes with ease. You can get some small spoons, but glass bowls and tea spoons work well too.
The biggest and most essential component in getting you through the first 12 months? Help! Another set of hands to relieve you, support you, and be there with you and your family during this major transition time. Gather a list of who is willing to help you , when, and with what and keep it posted on your fridge. Call on these people for food, babysitting, or just to keep you company. We promise, it’s the most useful thing for new parents!
Our bebo mia directory can help you find the best support for your needs – the best investment or gift you can get!
We know there are tons of amazing things in the beautiful baby stores found in most towns and cities and you will enjoy shopping for your baby –but just remember, focus on the essentials…everything else is just a bonus!
Here is a little cheat sheet to help you get ready! We would love if you could pin this if you found it helpful!
Nursery photo credit – www.projectnursery.com
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