Written by Kimberly Gibson – Birth Justice Award
Kimberly Gibson – The Birth Justice Award Doula Training Scholarship Winner September 2022
My name is Kim, I am a married mother of one and have a wonderful neurodivergent family. Both my husband and son are on the spectrum and every day we are learning and growing together. I am an advocate for PCOS education, a supporter of LBGTQIA+ communities and for fun I am an avid gamer whenever I have time (which is rare these days). I also have the best sweetest German Shepherd names Athena that is almost 2 years old. She keeps me on my toes and has been the best “co-worker” since I have been working virtually since March of 2022.
I really wanted the scholarship because I was a part of companywide layoffs earlier this year and now, I have the time to dedicate my focus to finishing the program, but then money was my obstacle. I have for so many years wanted to become certified but there was always time or money that created hardship for me so having this scholarship removes one of those barriers. I wanted to train with Bebo Mia because it was always presented as a place for everyone from every walk of life. I love how the team works together despite everyone having different backgrounds and motivations. This sentiment was echoed online while I was looking for programs and Bebo Mia’s mission really stood out to me. I love that we are all one no matter what your pronouns are, your ethnicity, our goal is happy healthy deliveries and supporting our clients.
I wanted to be a birth justice worker after experiencing my own traumatic birth experience. Every possible intervention was presented to me prematurely and being afraid as my water broke spontaneously at 37 weeks exactly, I was too afraid to stand up for the things I educated myself on prior to giving birth. I also just couldn’t afford a doula and I think without having that second voice in there that was educated on my rights, I caved under the pressure of nurses dismissing my concerns. I asked specifically for my son to not have certain procedures done and was scoffed at. And when I asked what his APGAR score was no one ever answered me. I still hate my one and only experience was tainted with such memories, and I want to help other birthing parents feel confident in their choices and to find their voice when they are the most vulnerable. I also suffered from PPD that went undiagnosed. I know my mom thought it was the “baby blues” but being from a different era, she gave me the best information she had. No one suggested I talk to my doctor, and really, I felt weak even thinking about it. If I had a postpartum doula, I feel like someone from the outside that could give me perspective, not medical advice, just educating me that the treatment was much greater than the stigma, I would have sought care.
After I finish the program, I would ideally like to work with families in my community that need support, education and a sense of community for birth justice. I want to make it affordable and ideally, I will offer a free service for a family once quarterly. I already have envisioned going forward and becoming a certified lactation consultant and have been looking into programs across the globe that gives other cultural experiences such as a program I found in Ghana that is for one month, but it provides training into age-old techniques that have been passed down for centuries. I want to be an organic, free range fighting doula. My goal is to have an education center that focuses on all aspects of pregnancy, even prior to conception if possible. Working with nutritionists and other professionals to help direct families to services that will benefit the growth of their family. Education is so important but such an overlooked necessity. I want to bridge that gap for families, help break down the barriers and dispel the misconceptions that some may have for using these types of services. We have gone so far away from what our grandparents experienced, and I want to be a part of the movement that ushers in a new way to look at the way things have been done for centuries. More than anything, I am going to be here to support my clients no matter what they choose, if they are happy with their experience, I am happy with their experience.
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