WARNING: This post includes detailed photos of birth/crowning with client permission (and encouragement)
I dislocated my patella three weekends ago. One of the first thoughts that went through my mind was about my doula clients and their fast approaching due dates (my trip to Mexico coming up was only ahead in my mind by a millisecond!). How would I attend a birth with an injury? I’d have to miss them maybe, and that thought was incredibly disappointing. This is the second time I have done this to my knee and I am familiar with the healing process: 6 weeks in a soft cast and on crutches followed by intense physiotherapy for 6-8 weeks; in other words, too long!
As it turned out, one of my clients went into labour 36 hours after I hurt myself and there was no way I could go. I missed her birth (the secondary doula went) and I was not only disappointed, but pissed off to be quite honest! I was mad at my body and myself for what felt like failing physically when I am in good shape and my muscles are strong. Why me? Why now?
I had other clients approaching their due date and was determined to be there to support them. I let them know what had happened and made sure they were comfortable with me coming in my cast, reassuring them that my support would not be compromised much and to not worry about me. They were fine with it and for that I am truly grateful because their birth experience was one I would NOT have wanted to miss! Here is the story of Joanne, Moe and baby Ariyan, told through the beautiful photographs I took throughout the birth.
Joanne and Moe are amazing. They are incredibly down to earth and very welcoming, making people feel cared for and truly valuable. If you have a chance to get to know them, I highly recommend it!
They were expecting their first baby and wanted everything that was the healthiest and most natural for Joanne, her labour, and their baby. They studied and practiced Hypnobirthing and one of their wishes was a home birth. I was lucky enough to not only BE there supporting them, but was asked to photograph the labour and delivery as well.
Below are pictures of Joanne labouring, birthing, and the first moments of becoming a family of three. What I want you to focus on while looking through the pictures is how relaxed and calm Joanne is through the whole thing. Utterly amazing; prepare to be inspired!

Joanne in active labour, relaxing through surges.

Moe silently comforting her with his touch and closeness.


Joanne enjoying the warmth and soothing effects of the water.

Working hard but breathing calmly and focusing inwardly.

Moe doing lower back massage while Joanne changed positions.

Floating belly pic.

Feeling lots of pressure and the urge to push for the first time. The new sensation is a surprise!

Moe giving Joanne some honey for energy as she is ready to push.

Into the bed for the last bit of pushing as that is where Joanne felt comfortable at that time.

Moe in awe of his amazing wife, watching as she labours.

Gently and slowly moving her baby down.

Ariyan’s head crowning.

The midwife supporting her perineum as she slowly births Ariyan’s head. Look at her control!

Moe concentrating as well, getting ready to meet his baby.

Ariyan’s head is out; Joanne is still focused and calm.

Hi baby!

Moe was able to reach in and catch his baby as Joanne birthed the rest of his body.

Mommy pulling him up to her chest.

A proud and happy Papa.

Relief and elation.

Intense emotions as she snuggles her baby for the first time.

I love this one because they have similar expressions on their faces; they experienced birth together and are still one as they meet each other for the first time face to face.

That’s one happy mumma!

Family of three.

These parents have lots to be proud of!

Ariyan showing signs that he’s ready to eat (again!).

Taking in his surroundings, calm as can be.

In Daddy’s arms for the first time.

Breastfeeding beautifully – two naturals here!

The beautiful family and me.

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Nice Post. I do have Type 2 Diabetes as well. Struggling with it because it is very hard to control it sometimes. However, some months ago i found this one site that offered a diet. Normally i always thought that stuff like that never works, but for once it actually worked! I also wrote a review on it on my one website. You can check it out if you like. Thanks again and keep your great Posts up!
So Beautiful and happy. 😀
That was so beautiful! I don’t even believe it. Congratulations.