There is not much more I love in my life than witnessing a baby enter the world. The first sight of curly hair, the way they look towards their parent’s voice. The astonished look in the partner’s eyes (if there is one there). It is unbelievable every.single.time.
I remember the time when this was not my life. I spent my days working at a desk, doing a job that was ok, but clearly not my calling. I spent a majority of my breaks (and sometimes my work hours) learning about birth, determined that one day I would take the leap and become a birth worker. Googling, reading and dreaming until I was brave enough to take the leap.
My favorite past time was birth videos. Even back then, with a screen separating the reality of birth, I would cry when I saw that new baby placed on their mother’s chest. Late last year I gave birth to my second baby. The birth was not exactly what I had planned but beautiful in its own right. Now that my little one is here, spending most of her time sleeping on my chest, I’m happily back to Googling, reading and dreaming about birth; excited to get back to work.
So, I thought I would put together my top 5 videos that might inspire you to take the leap into birth work if you are feeling that unmistakable pull. This ‘job’ is a gift and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else!
5 Birth Videos That Make You Want to Become a Doula!
1. This first video is special because it is the natural home water birth of a breech baby, which we don’t get to see very often. You can see the doula gently pouring water on the mother’s belly as she encourages her and tells her how great she is doing. Then the baby is born and all you hear are squeals of joy, I dare you not to cry…
And because I can’t resist a good breech birth here is bonus #1, the birth of Arie. When you get to the end you can see this couple dancing together, and it’s EPIC!
2. Here you see the birthing mother breathing through contractions as her world continues around her, taking breaks to hug her little ones tight. Soon the mood changes and her support team arrives, she continues with the same focus, holding her partner for support, her doula pressing on her low back. The lights go dark, she turns to her back, a baby is born. The children kiss and caress their new sibling, and i’ts the most beautiful thing you will ever see.
3. The birth of baby ‘meatball’, how can you not love him already? Baby Meatball was named by his older sister and is also a much-loved and anticipated rainbow baby. Through the video you can see their doula maintaining a calm, confident presence so that birther and doula can work together during the birthing process. This is one of my favourite parts of my work as a doula, staying as cool as a cucumber so the partner feels that way too. At one point she collapses into her partners arms, and of course, I weep with the power of the whole moment.
4. I chose this birth because birth doesn’t always go as planned, and that’s ok. There is also the moment she says goodbye to her toddler that made me come undone. Early on in the video, you can see the doula holding her hand, and then her belly for support. She continues to support her as the plans change, and is there to see the birth of these little beings. Wait until you see them!
5. This birth is an HBAC, meaning she birthed at home vaginally after having a previous cesarean. I wanted to be sure to include this one because there are a few key markers that a doula has been there; a rebozo and bendy straws! Not only that but you are able to witness the full birth of this squishy little babe in the tub, and the absolute joy on this mother’s face. She did it!
This is bonus #2, because if you have not seen this video yet, get ready! Edited by Monet Nicole for the website Birth Becomes Her, this video shows women from many backgrounds birthing in many different settings. Although there isn’t a doula in every clip, there is that fantastic moment where the baby meets us earthside!
Ok, ok, bonus #3. I know this was supposed to be 5 birth videos but each video is reminding me of another birth video that I love. This is the birth of baby Ellen, a little girl for two loving dads. Wait until you see the moment these Intended Parents see their baby for the first time!!!
If you are a birth nerd, birth activist and birth lover like we all are and have been spending your time watching videos, we would love to see your favourite ones. Or, maybe you have your own to share, which would be equally amazing.
If you ever feel ready to take the leap we can help with that. Take a look here for more information or feel free to drop us a line!
Natasha Marchand is a birth doula trainer, hypnobirthing instructor, prenatal fitness/yoga instructor and business consultant. She is the co-founder of bebo mia and co-owner of Baby & Me Fitness. She is also the proud mother of 6yo Sadie, conceived with ART after a 4-year struggle, and recently gave birth to her second daughter, Margo.
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