Unplanned pregnancy after infertility Part 2!

I’m back and writing again. It’s officially been 4 months since the birth of Margo and I’m feeling ready to share more of my story. I’ve had so much to say! In case you missed Part 1 you can get caught up right here but in short, it was a wild ride and years of…

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MSP Fall 2017 Scholarship Winner: Tarina Jackson

For the Fall 2017 Maternal Support Practitioner Program at bebo mia inc we had a record number of scholarship applications submitted! Choosing our winners was incredibly difficult and in the end, we ended up selecting 6 winners. Two of the scholarships were sponsored by amazing female-owned businesses, Hip Mommies & SleepBelt. The other four were…

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Surprise Pregnancy After Infertility

I gave birth to my first daughter after my several years of infertility. And then 6 years later I had an surprise pregnancy after infertility. I’m going to issue a Trigger Warning before even getting into this story because I know if I had to read a post like this 7 years ago, I would…

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A Doula’s Guide to Pregnancy and Birth After Infertility

birth after infertility_bebomia_doulas

  The struggle with infertility can be one of the most challenging (sad, disappointing, traumatic…you name it!) experiences of someone’s life. In fact, research shows that women experiencing infertility have emotional stress levels similar to cancer patients. What doulas, and any person working in the maternal health field need to know is that the thoughts/feelings…

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Adventures of a NEW Doula

Adventures of a NEW Doula

How my doula training changed my life You never forget moments in life that are “trajectory changers”. They are crucial and specific. They happen when you think life is just trucking along at a normal pace, when suddenly you’re thrown in a total opposite direction, almost as if you’re in a car crash, and spun…

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The doula business struggles (there is a happy ending)

  Doula business struggles may encounter: My launch into the doula business world was less than stellar, I have to admit. It was clumsy, riddled with mistakes, and lonely. Why? I’ve got two reasons: Lack of training Lack of support And I minored in business, I could only imagine how other doulas felt! Don’t worry though,…

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