Through Mama’s Eyes: Afra’s Scholarship Story.

Through Mama's Eyes Blogger

bebo mia’s Spring 2018 Maternal Support Practitioner Program saw some incredible applications for the various scholarships that were offered. We are thrilled to present our winners’ submissions. With the help of some incredible sponsors like Olivia Scobie & Candice Tizzard of Stages Doula, we were able to offer 6 Scholarships to the very first round of our extended version…

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Are You Choosing the Best Baby Carrier For Your Newborn?

baby carrier

Benefits of Baby Wearing The benefits of baby wearing are endless! Not only does it give you back the use of both your hands, it gives your baby a nice snuggly place to sleep. It truly is win-win for you and your baby, but how do you know what the best baby carrier is before…

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Baby Wearing Fun + Craft Projects for Old Wraps!

A Guest Post from Denina at Little D’s Baby Carriers: Happy International Baby wearing Week!  At Little D’s Baby Carriers we are thrilled to celebrate this week with Bebo Mia.  We are offering a 10% discount to everyone who posts a photo of themselves babywearing on the Bebo Mia Facebook Page!  We will also be attending a babywearing walk…

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