Body Positivity Workshop
stop wishing your body was different
A Workshop on How to Feel at Home In Your Bod

A one-of-a-kind workshop to help you stop wishing your body was different and start feeling at home in your bod!
This workshop is for you if you have ever:
- Felt shame about your body
- Felt like your body was wrong
- Worried about wearing a bathing suit
- Been embarrassed to go up a size in clothes
- Been on a diet
- So much more
If you are ready to create a different holiday experience that centers around rest, actually enjoying what you’re eating and celebrating your body, exactly as it is without the subsequent punishment that typically comes in January, you are invited to join us.

let's start this year off better!
- Are you ready to do the holidays differently?
- Are you tired of moving through the holidays feeling guilt about what you’re consuming, knowing that once the New Year hits, you’ll immediately slide into punishing yourself for what you ate over the holidays?
- Are you done with the idea that as soon as January 1st hits, you’re going to feel the pressure to restrict your diet, join a gym and get back on the fatphobic hamster wheel that never stops turning?
This workshop is a 4 week experience (Jan 18-Feb 9, 2023) that will support you in reconnecting with your body from a place of celebration, positivity and liberation.
As you know, here at bebo mia, we are huge fans of Virgie Tovar and her work and we’re so excited to share that not only will we be using Virgie’s The Body Positive Journal to guide us through but Virgie will also be facilitating one of the workshop sessions!
What you need to know
1. How much is the workshop? $47 USD
2. When will the workshop be happening?!
January 18, 2023 at 8:00 pm EST
January 25, 2023 at 8:00 pm EST
February 1, 2023 at 8:00 pm EST
February 8, 2023 at 8:00 pm EST
3. Where can I join the workshop? Zoom
We can't wait for you to join us! Sign up here, or use the button below!

Virgie Tovar (she/her)
Body Positivity Activist, Author, podcast host, and contributor to, started the hashtag campaign #LoseHateNoWeight

Bianca Sprague (she/her)
Body Positivity activist, Birth worker, founder of bebo mia inc. and Infant + Family Sleep Specialist and Instructor.

Priyanka Saju (she/her)
Writer, Speaker, follower of creative impulses, and Body Positivity Activist

Meg Kant
Body Positivity Activist, Birth worker specializing in PMADs, Infant + Family Sleep Specialist and Instructor, Hons. Degree in Psychology