You are a kind, gentle, loving presence and a comforting set of hands for your clients during their pregnancy, birth and early days of parenting. You often put the needs of your clients ahead of your own, giving as much of yourself as you can to ensure they feel cared for during their journey. Your birth or postpartum bag is full of items that will turn a hospital room into a tranquil spa and your intuitive nature guides you as you support your client during their labour, either through touch, breath or a soothing voice (but it will probably be all of the above!).


If you love babies and bellies and want to provide care and support to families, this webinar is the right place for you!
Get answers to the questions that haunt your mind:
- How to be the voice you wish had had at your birth
- How babies and families can be supported by birth workers
- The different kinds of birth work: birth, postpartum, loss etc.
- The importance of informed consent

Have any questions? Need any help?! We'd love to know so we can make sure we get that need met for you. Email us at [email protected] and we'd be super thrilled to hear from you and will get back to you right away.