It's Quiz time!

What is your birth worker style?!
Just like there is NO one right way to give birth, there is NO one right way to be a birth worker!
Take this quiz and find out what your birth worker style is!

There is talk of new policies at your local hospital regarding mandatory IV's upon admission to the labour and delivery floor. What would you do?

If you were not a birthworker what kind of job would you have?

Your client is still asking regular questions via text and email well after your contract with them is done. What do you do?

You are at a birth and the pace is picking up and a lot is happening in the room, you...

Your partner is complaining about a sore back. What do you do?

Which character from Schitt$ Creek do you identify with the most?!

If you asked your closest friends/family to describe you in one word, what would they most likely say?

Your favourite way to spend your time (when you are not working with clients) is:

You have an in-person meeting with a colleague, what time will you get there?

When you go to a restaurant and the server brings out your order and they gave you a side salad when you asked for fries, what are you most likely to do?

Quiz - What is your birth worker style?!
The Nurturer

You are a kind, gentle, loving presence and a comforting set of hands for your clients during their pregnancy, birth and early days of parenting. You often put the needs of your clients ahead of your own, giving as much of yourself as you can to ensure they feel cared for during their journey. Your birth or postpartum bag is full of items that will turn a hospital room into a tranquil spa and your intuitive nature guides you as you support your client during their labour, either through touch, breath or a soothing voice (but it will probably be all of the above!).

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The Observer

You are highly empathetic and go above and beyond to make sure your client feels seen and validated. You take in all the information and present it to your clients in a clear and unbiased way. You are a great ear for them and a solid resource, making it easy for those that work with you to share their worries and concerns. Sometimes you will step back from 'active support' and instead be a strong presence for your clients, like a lifeguard or a good set of training wheels.

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The Naturalist

You are drawn to the natural and the simple. You draw from different modalities when you are offering support which is such a gift for anyone who is in your care. It would not be out of character for you to offer support that encompasses all of the senses such as acupressure, reiki, aromatherapy, art therapy or homeopathics. Your appreciation of beauty and your kind nature creates a peaceful experience working with you. In turn your clients feel calm in your presence. Birthers are drawn to your open, guiding spirit so your skills are best used in the community working towards an important cause or change.

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The Birth Worker Boss

You are a force in your field. You love birthwork, however, you also love the business side just as much. You are reasonable, rational and methodical. You like to plan, and have great systems for your clients. You present your business and your brand professionally at all times. Your organization and leadership skills make you a prime candidate for the head of a doula agency, nonprofit or sitting on the board of a game-changing corporation.

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The Protector

You care deeply about your clients and are a fierce protector of their space. You have very developed critical analysis skills, and have strong communication abilities. Your clients feel safe, seen and supported with you. Intuition plays a large role in your work, and you trust yourself and your clients whole heartedly. You are not afraid to step in when needed in service of your clients. People might say that you feel with your whole heart, and that heart is what has driven you to this work.

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