Doula Business School (DBS)
10 Week Live Online Business Course for birth workers
What does this mean? It means that when you sign up for the Doula Business Club, you will get Business School taught live starting this April! You do not want to miss this opportunity to get our top two business programs for only $27/mo (cancel anytime).

Many doulas and birth workers leave their training thinking ‘now what?’. They are excited to start the work and have NO idea how to get clients! It can be a huge surprise to find out that becoming a birth worker means you must also become an entrepreneur. It can feel overwhelming to think about organizing your business, setting up a website, calculating finances, and marketing to potential clients.
It is our mission as an organization to connect you to your intrinsic value and power.
What does this mean for you as a business owner? We want to remove your overwhelm and give you the processes and plans needed to start and grow a business that works for you! A business that supports you. A business that fits into your life. We want to share our wisdom & knowledge with you after being where you were once so that you don’t have to feel alone or overwhelmed. We’ve taken all of the guesswork out for you. And we want you to be able to do this with a community of other amazing birth workers cheering you on.
This course is for you if you want to build a serious birth worker business.
You do not have to doula this alone, we are with you every step of the way!
By signing up for the Birth Worker Business School you are making the three biggest (and often overlooked) steps towards a thriving business:
- Hiring your own business coach (at a wildly affordable rate - how very smart & efficient of you).
- Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals
- Removing the guesswork surrounding the logistics of how to launch and/or run your business.

Have you been wondering what Doula Business School is all about?
- Are you a doula who is wondering how to start and/or grow their business?
- Do you ever wonder about how to make your business accessible and still make a living wage?
- Are you stressed about making money?
If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, we have the most delightful surprise for you!
Here is a sneak peak of Fall 2021 DBS cohort, where we talk alllllll about
and it is a goodie!

Just imagine having…
- clear cut systems for client intakes and interviews
- simple business planning tools & budgets
- a plan that recognizes that work and life are not going to be balanced all the time, and that’s perfectly ok!
- a brand that showcases your value and attracts your perfect client
- an easy to follow marketing plan that truly works
- a website that compels your ideal client to contact you
- the confidence to charge what you are worth without feeling ‘yucky’
- a consistent income (you can even get paid while you sleep!)
- 100% support and guidance as you create systems and build your business
- The knowledge that you are using an anti-oppressive and feminist-informed lens to build a business that supports the values of you, your family and your clients.
Our Doula Business School has been designed specifically for the purpose of taking away the overwhelm in your business so you can grow, thrive and make a difference!
Why we created
We know first hand, as well as hearing it from thousands of students how overwhelming starting and growing your birth worker business can be. It can leave you feeling frozen and stuck and unsure of what steps to take to move forward.
Most people who are drawn to birth work are passionate, motivated and determined to make a difference in their community and support pregnant people and parents, but sometimes the business aspect can get in the way.
We NEVER want anyone who is drawn to this work to be unable to follow their passion because the business aspect was intimidating or difficult. That is why we have built the Doula Business School, so you can follow your passion and we can support you on the way.

Product Description

Flexible & Accessible
This program is taught live and online. This means you can do the course anytime. Anywhere. You can login and catch the class broadcasted live or you can watch the recordings from your private desktop whenever you have time to fit it in. You will have lifetime access to the training, so you can complete it as it fits into your life.

Weekly Classes
We will meet live and online on a weekly basis for an interactive, workshop style training session that includes discussion, Q&A, presentations and guest speakers. Can’t make it to the live class? No worries, you can listen to the recording when it works best for you.

Learning in-between Classes
Learning continues during the week in your private support group where we will discuss, business topics from class, answer questions, hear from other birth professionals who have built their businesses.

On-Going Community
One of our favourite things about our courses is getting to connect and grow our incredible community. In this training you will not only learn about growing your birth worker business, but you will become part of a global community committed to anti-racist and anti-oppressive work.

Live Q&A's and Interactive guest speakers
We want you to get the chance to have live interactions and connection with your instructors and peers, one way we do this is having live Q+A's and interactive guest speakers throughout your training.
Our Doula Business program starts in April! *Outside of April - June, if you want to be the first to know when our next session will begin and get early bird access to join us please use the button below to join the waitlist.*
Thinking about signing up for more courses with us? Still, have questions or concerns? Need a boost into the course? Email [email protected] and Kelly our world-renowned admin will get you the support you need!

"So many good things have been happening since training with bebo mia! Just this week alone we have signed 3 doula clients, two encapsulation and a pool rental! Plus set up a couple events, rented a space for classes and started advertising for our prenatal crash course that begins soon! Eek! This is going to be a busy year if this keeps up, thanks for all the help from my instructors and of course everyone else in the community! "
Amanda Wiebe, Yellow Bird Birth
"I am very careful of where I spend my money. And never recommend anyone unless I am 100 percent satisfied. Not even if I was 99 percent. You ladies have skill no one else can or will ever compare to. There is no competition. You are the competition hands down. But you know that. I know you do. I am just making your head bigger!"
Laura MacDougall
I was just lost. I had no idea how to start to build a successful career & business. I know now I had no focus, lacked knowledge on how to market, and didn't know what systems I needed.
This course ended up being the best investment I've made in my business this far! You ladies are so authentic, transparent, and giving. Loved Loved Loved this course! So blessed by all the knowledge and creativity and support. You guys doula-ed me through the business essentials!
Jarriel Campbell
Wanting to share my excitement. was just doing some book keeping and in 2016 (so only 3 months) My company has already made more than it did all last year! This is shocking to me but I am ecstatic. Hard work really pays off and I really have to thank the instructors for answering my 101 questions all the time and of course for always giving great advice!